Recent Publications
*bolded text indicates lab members or lab alumni
- S.L. O'Brien, C.G. Irian, G.E. Bentley, & E.A. Lacey. (2022). Sex, not social behavior, predicts fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in a facultatively social rodent, the highland tuco-tuco (Ctenomys opimus). Hormones and Behavior, 141, 105152.
Chicago - E.A. Lacey, J.P. Amaya, C.G. Irian, P.G. Carrizo, S.L. O’Brien, & A. A. Ojeda. (2022). Variable social organization among tuco-tucos (genus Ctenomys) in the opimus clade. Journal of Mammalogy.
- O’Brien, S. L., Tammone, M. N., Cuello, P. A., & Lacey, E. A. (2021). Multi-year assessment of variability in spatial and social relationships in a subterranean rodent, the highland tuco-tuco (Ctenomys opimus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75(6), 1-13.
- Amaya, J. P., Cuello, P. A., Valentinuzzi, V. S., & Lacey, E. A. (2021). Dynamic spatial overlap in a solitary subterranean rodent: the Anillaco tuco-tuco (Ctenomys sp.). Journal of Mammalogy, 102(3), 826-836.
- S.L. O'Brien, M.N. Tammone, P.A. Cuello, E.A. Lacey, 2020. Facultative sociality in a subterranean rodent, the highland tuco-tuco (Ctenomys opimus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
- R. Takenaka, M.J. Miller, M.N. Tammone, T.E. Dawson, E.A. Lacey, 2020. Stable isotopes reveal differential patterns of Holocene environmental change among tuco-tucos (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae, Ctenomys) from Patagonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. ;540:109522.
- E.A. Lacey, S.L. O’Brien, R. Sobrero, and L.A. Ebensperger, 2019. Spatial relationships among free-living cururos (Spalacopus cyanus) demonstrate burrow sharing and communal nesting. Journal of Mammalogy.
- J. Meléndez‐Rosa, K. Bi, and E.A. Lacey, 2019. Differential gene expression in relation to mating system in Peromyscine rodents. Ecology and Evolution.
- K. LaBarbera, K.R. Hayes, K.E. Langhans, E.A. Lacey, 2019. Elevation affects extra-pair paternity but not a sexually selected plumage trait in dark-eyed juncos. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 1;73(6):82.
- T.T. Hammond, M. Vo, C.T. Burton, L.L. Surber, E.A. Lacey, J.E. Smith, 2019. Physiological and behavioral responses to anthropogenic stressors in a human-tolerant mammal. Journal of Mammalogy. 100(6):1928-40.
- E.A. Lacey, R. Takenaka, K. LaBarbera, and M.N. Tammone, 2019. Ecological and demographic impacts of a recent volcanic eruption on two endemic patagonian rodents. PloS one, 14(3), p.e0213311.
- T.T. Hammond, R. Palme, and E.A. Lacey, 2018. Glucocorticoid–environment relationships align with responses to environmental change in two co‐occurring congeners. Ecological applications, 28(7), pp.1683-1693.
- M.N.Tammone, U.F. Pardiñas, and E.A. Lacey. 2018. Identifying drivers of historical genetic decline in an endemic Patagonian rodent, the colonial tuco-tuco, Ctenomys sociabilis (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 125(3), pp.625-639.
- J. Meléndez-Rosa, K. Bi, and E.A. Lacey. 2018. Genomic analysis of MHC-based mate choice in the monogamous California mouse. Behavioral Ecology, 29(5), pp.1167-1180.
- T.T. Hammond, R. Palme, and E.A. Lacey. 2018. Ecological specialization, variability in activity patterns and response to environmental change. Biology letters, 14(6), p.20180115.
- D. Lin, K. Bi, C.J. Conroy, E.A. Lacey, J.G. Schraiber,and R.C. Bowie. 2018. Mito‐nuclear discordance across a recent contact zone for California voles. Ecology and evolution, 8(12), pp.6226-6241.
- K. LaBarbera, and E.A. Lacey. 2018. Breeding season length and nest mortality drive cryptic life history variation in Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) breeding across a montane elevational gradient. The Auk: Ornithological Advances, 135(2), pp.284-298.
- A. Lang, L. Kordonowy, E.A. Lacey, and M. MacManes. 2018. Transcriptomic analyses reveal tissue-specific selection on genes related to apoptotic processes in the subterranean rodent, Ctenomys sociabilis. BioRxiv, p.256875.
- A.H. Moeller, T.A. Suzuki, D. Lin, E.A. Lacey, S.K. Wasser, and M.W. Nachman. 2017. Dispersal limitation promotes the diversification of the mammalian gut microbiota. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(52), pp.13768-13773.
- E.A. Lacey, T.T. Hammond, R.E. Walsh, K.C. Bell, S.V. Edwards, E.R. Ellwood, R. Guralnick, S.M. Ickert-Bond, A.R. Mast, J.E. McCormack, and A.K. Monfils. 2017. Climate change, collections and the classroom: using big data to tackle big problems. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 10(1), p.2.
- J.L. Hsu, J.C. Crawford, J.C., M.N. Tammone, U. Ramakrishnan, E.A. Lacey, and E.A. Hadly. 2017. Genomic data reveal a loss of diversity in two species of tuco-tucos (genus Ctenomys) following a volcanic eruption. Scientific reports, 7(1), p.16227.
- A.E. Hiller, C. Cicero, M.J. Albe, T.L. Barclay, C.L. Spencer, M.S. Koo, R.C. Bowie, and E.A. Lacey. 2017. Mutualism in museums: A model for engaging undergraduates in biodiversity science. PLoS biology, 15(11), p.e2003318.
- K. LaBarbera, K.R. Hayes, K.J. Marsh, and E.A. Lacey. 2017. Complex relationships among environmental conditions and bill morphology in a generalist songbird. Evolutionary ecology, 31(5), pp.707-724.
- T.L. Fleischner, R.E. Espinoza, G.A. Gerrish, H.W. Greene, R.W. Kimmerer, E.A. Lacey, S. Pace, J.K. Parrish, H.M. Swain, S.C. Trombulak, and S. Weisberg. 2017. Teaching biology in the field: importance, challenges, and solutions. BioScience, 67(6), pp.558-567.
- M.N. Tammone, U.F. Pardiñas, and E.A. Lacey. 2017. Contrasting patterns of Holocene genetic variation in two parapatric species of Ctenomys from Northern Patagonia, Argentina. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 123(1), pp.96-112.
- J.L. Hsu, S. Kam, M.N. Tammone, E.A. Lacey, and E.A. Hadly. 2017. Rapid increase in genetic diversity in an endemic Patagonian tuco-tuco following a recent volcanic eruption. Journal of Mammalogy, 98(3), pp.779-792.
- M.N. Tammone, E.A. Lacey, A. Hajduk, M. Christie, and U.F. Pardiñas. 2016. The Quaternary record of Euneomys (Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae) from northwestern Patagonia: evidence for regional extinction. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 36(6), p.e1212363.
- R.E. Walsh, A.P. Aprigio Assis, J.L. Patton, G. Marroig, T.E. Dawson, and E.A. Lacey. 2016. Morphological and dietary responses of chipmunks to a century of climate change. Global change biology, 22(9), pp.3233-3252.
- M.N. Tammone, B.R. Lavin, U.F. Pardiñas, and E.A. Lacey. 2016. Post-extinction discovery of a population of the highly endemic colonial tuco-tuco (Ctenomys sociabilis). Journal of Mammalogy, 97(6), pp.1753-1763.
- D.R. Rubenstein, C.A. Botero, and E.A. Lacey. 2016. Discrete but variable structure of animal societies leads to the false perception of a social continuum. Royal Society open science, 3(5), p.160147.
- K. Milton, D.A. Nolin, K. Ellis, J. Lozier, B. Sandel, and E.A. Lacey. 2016. Genetic, spatial, and social relationships among adults in a group of howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Primates, 57(2), pp.253-265.
- E.A. Lacey. 2016. Dispersal in caviomorph rodents. Sociobiology of Caviomorph Rodents: An Integrative Approach, pp.119-146.
- L.E. Schwanz, W.B. Sherwin, K. Ognenovska, and E.A. Lacey. 2016. Paternity and male mating strategies of a ground squirrel (Ictidomys parvidens) with an extended mating season. Journal of Mammalogy, 97(2), pp.576-588.
- M.W. Holmes, G.K. Boykins, R.C. Bowie, and E.A. Lacey. 2016. Cranial morphological variation in Peromyscus maniculatus over nearly a century of environmental change in three areas of California. Journal of morphology, 277(1), pp.96-106.
- I. Estevan, E.A. Lacey, and B. Tassino. 2016. Daily patterns of activity in free-living Rio Negro tuco-tucos (Ctenomys rionegrensis). Mastozoología neotropical, 23(1).