Prospective Graduate Students
As part of heading toward retirement, I will not be accepting new graduate students into the lab. I've had the opportunity to work with an amazing series of doctoral students over the years, but it's time to step back and to focus on other things for the next few years.
Other Berkeley faculty whose work focuses on behavior include Damian Elias, George Bentley, and Annaliese Beery. I encourage you to explore their websites to see if their research aligns with your interests. -- Eileen Lacey Find more information and general advice for applying to PhD programs here. |
Field and Laboratory Research
Our lab places a heavy emphasis on field research, and Lacey Lab members conduct their work at various localities across California, Argentina, and around the world. Along with field research, we conduct extensive laboratory work with our captive Tuco tuco colony, genomic analyses in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology's Evolutionary Genetics Lab, and analyses of stress physiology. Please check out our Research page to get an idea of our current projects. If you're interested in contributing to any of these projects as a research assistant, please contact the relevant researcher directly by email!
Captive Tuco-tuco Care
Do you like working with animals? Are you interested in gaining research experience? We are always seeking responsible, reliable, hardworking undergraduate students to work with Dr. Lacey's captive colony of colonial tuco-tucos housed on the UC Berkeley campus. We have a team of dedicated undergraduate students that are responsible for the day-to-day care of the animals, many of whom go on to complete independent research projects in our lab. Interested students should contact Dr. Lacey. |